How to Change Airsoft Magazine Gas Canister

How to Change Airsoft Magazine Gas Canister

What are the common canister types out at that place these days for backpacking use?

Basically, at that place are two mutual modern gas canisters suitable for backpackers, Camping ground Gaz (non-threaded) and 7/16ths UNEF threaded canisters.  More often than not, stoves built for one type will not work with the other, but there are exceptions such as the relatively heavy MSR Superfly.  There are also much lighter DIY exceptions such as the "Super Gnat" that you can gather in the matter of a few minutes.

UPDATE28 March 2017:  No, manufacturers don't recommend it, and, yeah, there are dangers, only canisters tin can exist re-filled.  Come across:

Refilling Backpacking Canisters II
A non-threaded CV270 Camping Gaz canister (left) and a threaded 110g Snow Top canister (right).

Before I hash out backpacking suitable canisters, let'due south clear out what's not really suitable:

Canisters NOT Suitable

Non-Backpacking Canisters:

Now, there are plenty of other canisters that you could use for backpacking including the big, heavy steel xvi.four oz/465g 100% propane cylinders equally well as the "pilus spray can" 8oz/227g 100% butane canisters used for table side cooking in restaurants, merely these are generally unsuitable for backpacking.Not recommended.  In that location are also 100% butane canisters for minor hand accident torches and the like.  These typically do not fit backpacking type stoves.Not recommended.

Obsolescent Canisters:

  At that place are also older formats including the old puncture blazon gas canisters that  have no valve.  There'south a precipitous metallic "bayonet" type object on stoves that use puncture canisters.  The "bayonet" quite literally punctures the canisters.  Yeah, that'southward correct, you lot're ripping through the metal top of the canister in order to get to the gas.  Needless to say, this is an older type canister!  On these erstwhile style canisters, the stove must remain in place until the canister is fully empty.  There is no valve built into the canister to allow yous to split the canister from the stove (until fully empty) for safe transport.  You lot can still buy the old puncture type canisters, but they accept been implicated in a number of accidents and are not as rubber as modern canisters with valves.Not recommended.


:  In some bottom developed countries, puncture type canisters may be the just gas canisters available.  Travelers should check on what canister formats are available in the countries they intend to visit earlier deviation.

Obsolete Canisters:

  There are also dozens of erstwhile canister formats that accept been discontinued including Hank Roberts, Campak, and PowerMax just to name a few.   Some of these were excellent formats.  Yet, they are no longer produced.  I'm non going to discuss them other than to mention that they exist.

Suitable Canisters

Modern Backpacking Canisters:

    OK, now we're to the meat of this postal service:  Today'southward mod backpacking canisters.  There are 2 common types of gas canisters suitable for backpackers:

  • Camping Gaz Canisters (non-threaded).
  • Standard threaded canisters (with a vii/16ths UNEF thread).

A 230g Camping ground Gaz canister.
Camping ground Gaz Canisters :

  Camping Gaz canisters are fabricated by, well, Camping ground Gaz.  Camping Gaz is the merely known company that produces canisters to this specification.  The connectors on Camping Gaz canisters are non threaded.  Many people consider this a superior type connector because in that location are no threads to wear out or cross thread.  Nevertheless, in nigh countries of the earth, threaded canisters are the standard.  To my noesis, only in France is the Camping Gaz canister considered the standard.

A shut up of the (non-threaded) connector on a Camping ground Gaz canister

Camping Gaz canisters are not necessarily universally available exterior France.  If you decide to buy a stove that uses Camping ground Gaz blazon canisters, y'all should brand sure said canisters are available in your area.

UPDATE 2016. Camping Gaz canisters, both the former puncture blazon and the newer not-threaded valved blazon are no longer distributed in North America .  Y'all tin can find some quondam canisters sometimes, just once those are gone, that's information technology.  Personally, I would no longer purchase a Camping ground Gaz blazon stove with the non-threaded connector unless mayhap you only want it every bit a collector'southward item.

Camping ground Gaz canisters have a Lindal valve inside the connector.  The valve allows the canister to be removed from the stove for prophylactic storage or transport.

Camping Gaz canisters come in 2 sizes:  230g and 450g.  A smaller size in the 100g range is not available.

Camping ground Gaz canisters contain a alloy of propane and butane.  As such, Camping Gaz canisters are not the best choice for cold atmospheric condition.  Meet What'due south the Best Brand of Gas for Common cold Weather? for further information.

Standard Threaded Canisters :

  In almost of the developed world, the standard for gas canisters for backpacking is a threaded canister with a seven/16ths UNEF thread.

A standard threaded backpacking type canister.  This i happens to be made past Snow Peak.

Standard threaded canisters are made by dozens and dozens of companies.  By and large, canisters from i company piece of work perfectly fine with the stoves of another company.  Some companies try to intimate that their item canisters will somehow make their stoves run better and that you should simply use that company's detail brand of gas.  That's a bunch of horse hockey.  All major brands are interchangeable.  The only time you might get into problem is buying some brand that you lot've never heard of in some remote corner of the world.  Otherwise they are all mechanically about the same.  Notwithstanding, the gas contained inside isn't necessarily.  For warm weather (above 50F/10C), purchase whatever is cheapest.  For cold weather, what's inside matters.  See What's the All-time Make of Gas for Common cold Conditions? for further information.

The i exception to the above is Coleman gas threaded canisters. At least for the ones with the orange label

Coleman canisters do not piece of work

with many brands of stoves.

The 7/16ths UNEF threads of a standard threaded canister

Similar Camping Gaz canisters, standard threaded canisters have a Lindal valve inside the connector.  The valve allows the canister to be removed from the stove for safe storage or transport.

Standard threaded canisters come up in iii size ranges:  pocket-sized (100g to 113g), medium (220g to 230g), and large (450g).  The classes can also be expressed as 4oz, 8oz, and 16oz.  Be careful calling a canister "large."  Many stores only carry the 1xxg and 2xxg sizes.  Some people refer to the 2xxg canisters as "large."  It's best to specify what size you want in grams or ounces.

There you have it, a brief look at the basics of gas canisters.  Hopefully, that'due south helpful equally y'all shop for gas or every bit y'all consider which stove to buy.


How to Change Airsoft Magazine Gas Canister

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